Girls Who Code


Girl Jams 🎶

Girls Who Code 🎶 Girl Jams 🎶

Whether we like it or not, AI is the future. And right now, that future is being
overwhelmingly written and shaped by men. To combat this bias, Girls Who Code wanted to get
more girls interested in AI. And at the same time, get AI to better understand girls.
So we came up with an AI tool we knew girls of all ages would have fun with: an AI songwriting assistant.
GirlJams is a first of its kind tool that brings together the humanity of songwriting and the power of AI.
Try it here

OneShowMerit / itsNiceThat / FWA / AdAge / PRNews

The digital experience brings ChatGPT, Stable Diffusion and Riffusion together for girls to creatively experiment and get comfortable with
AI tools.

Through learning moments, introductory language, and prompt engineering tips, the easy to use experience educated thousands
of girls on what each of these technologies do, while simultaneously getting them to try AI for the first time.




Quaker Oats